Welcome to the World of The Real John R. Fyfe ~ Vedic Astrologer & Author
Welcome to the World of The Real John R. Fyfe ~ Vedic Astrologer & Author
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🌟Mid July with Uranus and Mars

🌟Mid July with Uranus and Mars

In mid-July, Mars and Uranus will conjoin in Taurus, the sign that signifies money and possessions. Expect the unexpected during this time as Mars signifies action and Uranus change, and some of these changes might shock you!  You have only to look at the events that have occurred this weekend! Uranus was last in Taurus during the 1930s, when the Great Depression took place. However, Precious metals and cryptocurrency will likely enter a bull market soon, moving away from the low point they have been at for the last six months…the great crypto depression has been on! Now could be a...

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Moving Backwards in Time

Moving Backwards in Time

In July, Saturn and Neptune begin their long five-month retrograde, joining Pluto, which began its retrograde a few weeks ago. During the last week of June, Saturn came to a standstill as it changed gears, giving us a lethargic scrambled energy.  It was like having a Mercury in retrograde but with an axe to grind, as Saturn is much fiercer. When Saturn becomes amplified, it can make us inflexible. Perhaps you've noticed people around you who have been more controlling. Or you've seen this with yourself! Saturn also signifies restrictions and feelings of despair. Last week was heavy for some,...

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Ain't no Cure for the Summertime Blues

Ain't no Cure for the Summertime Blues

In last month's newsletter, we pointed out that Mars would be in conjunction with the ecliptic point Rahu, which is always a volatile transit that often triggers violence in the world. Explosions, bombs, and, as usual, "Forest" fires have been happening everywhere and are continuing.  The recent helicopter "crash" that killed the Iranian president once again leaves us with a strong suspicion that evil has been at work.  Some say that June will even be a heavier month.  Is that because of the vote that is happening in Switzerland this week? Are our so-called leaders ready to surrender our rights?  In Switzerland, the WHO (World Health Organization) demands that countries give up their sovereignty...

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The Prickly Flowers of May

The Prickly Flowers of May

As the saying goes, April showers bring May flowers but be careful because there will be some thorns in them this month!   In the first week, we have the conjunction of Mars and Neptune.   This transit is likely to bring about frustration because you might not be able to assert yourself during this time. Perhaps you might be feeling exasperated with situations going on around you and this may cause you to over-react. There are so many people acting out and at times it’s over nothing!   Mars and Neptune conjunction is known to be a passionate transit because...

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Taking a new pathway

Taking a new pathway

Mercury goes retrograde on April 1st, which coincides with April Fools' Day. The first half of this month is when people are likely to get fooled…again. However, the last ten days may bring forth some wild opportunities for you. On April 8th, many will be racing out to watch the solar eclipse. Why? Because Nasa and the media are telling us this is a one-time experience you won't want to miss. You will never have the chance to see it again in your life…until six months from now! Oops. Question: Have the media or Nasa ever lied to you before?  Answer: Always! ...

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