Welcome to the World of The Real John R. Fyfe ~ Vedic Astrologer & Author
Welcome to the World of The Real John R. Fyfe ~ Vedic Astrologer & Author
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New Beginnings in February

New Beginnings in February

Hi Everyone. I hope January 2024 has so far treated you well and that you are feeling inspired. If not, then get ready for a fresh start!Talking about fresh starts, I am excited to let you know that my long awaited sequel to The Meaning Of Fyfe is finally here ~ The Meaning of Fyfe: An India Story If you'd like to order it, please click here ( shipping it hot off the presses first week March 2024 ) And, now, let's take a look at the new energies coming in ~ The New Moon arrives on February 10th and brings in the Chinese...

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January 2024...Taking the Reins

January 2024...Taking the Reins

As we enter the new year on the Gregorian calendar, we have three planets leaving their retrograde: Mercury, Jupiter and at the end of the month, Uranus. Retrograde makes planets stronger, which does not mean better. When in retrograde, planets become closer to Earth and therefore become more powerful in giving results. The houses that they own will also become weaker and so it's always good to know what is happening in your chart. As we know by now, Mercury in retrograde makes life busier and brings in a scrambled energy. Mercury signifies all forms of communication, including electronics. Computer...

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The Merry go round of planetary energies

The Merry go round of planetary energies

At the beginning of December, Venus and Pluto will come into contact, arousing intense emotions in you. This Venus/Pluto square may very well bring you face to face with uncomfortable situations and might require crucial decisions to restore your inner peace This transit will stir up rivalries and unleash passions, so you must keep a cool head to navigate between love and hate during this period. But this transit doesn't only involve risks: it brings revelations and will enable you to identify the hidden intentions of those around you. Just remember that this transit is a short-lived one. On December 6th,...

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Saturn's message for November

Saturn's message for November

With the two eclipses having occurred in October, we can only ask what will the next storyline be in this World full of Lies? The ecliptic energies exposed the dark side of humanity or, more likely from the ones who control humanity. The message for October was to keep hope and be patient for the next six months when the solar and lunar eclipses next return. You might see a different door open for you by having a different perception about the World we live in as the months ahead will surely show us. We could call that an awakening. It...

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The Race is on!

The Race is on!

Now that we have Mercury and Venus going in the right direction, will that be enough to balance out the scales for October? It's hardly likely with two eclipses occurring this month. The the solar eclipse occurs on the 14th, followed two weeks later by a partial lunar eclipse on the 28th. Eclipses happen every six months and can often amplify the shadow side in our personal story but also with world events. The global story has so many shadows in all governments, that it has become apparent elite forces are controlling them. The corruption and lies being spewed daily are...

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