News — Stargazers Forecast
Let The January Games Begin
Astrology Astrology Forecast January 2022 John Fyfe Stargazers Stargazers Forecast

2022 will be the year that the USA has its Pluto Return! After approximately 250 years, which is the time that it takes for Pluto to go through the 12 signs and the 12 house in a chart, it returns to its natal birth point. Us mere mortals won’t have this transit as we don’t live that long in this timeline! However, we all have the Pluto square Pluto transit which happens between the ages of 36 and 39 and is known to be the Mid-life crisis transit! Take a look back and what was changing or breaking down in...
The Dawning...
#november 2021 Astrology Astrology Forecast Stargazers Forecast

What's going on with the planets for November? We must first review October and note that we escaped the potentially destructive energy of Mars Square Pluto. Because of Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto all leaving their retrograde during this same period, the potential volatile energy that can occur with a Mars, Pluto combination was fortunately subdued. Although there was an alleviation with explosions, there were people who felt extremely emotional and feeling that this recent Mercury retrograde brought in much stress. How did you make out? Having these planets now going in direct motion will bring more flow. The message for...
Hold on to your seatbelts until the month March is over!
2021 Astrology Astrology Forecast John Fyfe John R Fyfe Stargazers Forecast

Mercury has officially finished its retrograde on February the 20th but (yes, there is always a but!) it generally takes a week for Mercury to move at its normal motion and until then the energy is still wonky! This time Mercury is being hammered by the aspect of the Moon’s north node, Rahu, which certainly adds more fuel to the fire with Mercury makin it behave like a retrograde enhanced! However, the light is at the end of the tunnel as Mercury leaves this “red zone” in the next few days and you will feel less scattered, more focused and a...
The Mid-February Blues Changeover
2021 February Forecast John Fyfe Stargazers Forecast

Before you get the feeling of being dragged down by winter and with these ongoing lockdowns, Mercury retrograde will have its way with you by either speeding your life up or by mixing things up and perhaps it will be both! How can things speed up when you are feeling confined during a lockdown? Mercury retrograde always seems to find a way. Maybe you are receiving more messages each day as you work on your computer or maybe your computer is having some glitches and you’re going crazy fixing it! Mercury signifies all forms of communications and electronics as well as...