Waking up to the Ball of Confusion

Everyone should listen to the song Ball of Confusion recorded by the Temptations back in 1981. This song certainly typifies where the world is at as we start off 2022 and head into February. February the 1st brings in the new moon as well as the Chinese New Year, the Year of the Water Tiger. The Chinese base their new year on the lunar calendar rather than the solar one that is used in the west and their new year always begins whenever the New Moon arrives in February. I wish everyone a Happy New Year as you now...
Let The January Games Begin
Astrology Astrology Forecast January 2022 John Fyfe Stargazers Stargazers Forecast

2022 will be the year that the USA has its Pluto Return! After approximately 250 years, which is the time that it takes for Pluto to go through the 12 signs and the 12 house in a chart, it returns to its natal birth point. Us mere mortals won’t have this transit as we don’t live that long in this timeline! However, we all have the Pluto square Pluto transit which happens between the ages of 36 and 39 and is known to be the Mid-life crisis transit! Take a look back and what was changing or breaking down in...
December Landslides & Navigating Pathways

When December arrives, it becomes the time for celebration with the Christmas festivities in the horizon. However, this year may be more of a time for reflection as we ponder what has occurred during the last year and to what has happened to the unity we once thought we had with our extended family and friends. We may also be wondering what the next year will have in store for us. December 2021 begins with Mercury and the Sun in combustion (when they are in conjunction to each other) which occurs every time Mercury moves out of its retrograde. When...
The Dawning...
#november 2021 Astrology Astrology Forecast Stargazers Forecast

What's going on with the planets for November? We must first review October and note that we escaped the potentially destructive energy of Mars Square Pluto. Because of Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto all leaving their retrograde during this same period, the potential volatile energy that can occur with a Mars, Pluto combination was fortunately subdued. Although there was an alleviation with explosions, there were people who felt extremely emotional and feeling that this recent Mercury retrograde brought in much stress. How did you make out? Having these planets now going in direct motion will bring more flow. The message for...
October 2021 Update & The Pluto Return for the USA

The beginning of October has Mercury in its three-week retrograde joining Saturn, Jupiter, Pluto, and Uranus who have already been in their long retrograde. Of course, we all know by now what Mercury in retrograde does. Mercury, the planet of communication brings in some hectic energy during this time! Have you not noticed? There is often much-stuck energy when many planets are in their retrograde which lacks any form of consistency. October will be a pivotal month. Let's hope the planets when leaving their retrograde as Pluto will do on October 6th, Saturn on Oct 11th and Mercury and Jupiter...