Hello Stargazers,
The last few weeks of April concluded with some extreme planetary energies with Mercury still creating chaos and with the volatile Mars/Pluto conjunction! Finally, these transits are now beginning to alleviate!
So, What’s in store for May?
To begin with, we have Venus transiting in its favorable sign of Taurus while the Sun is in its exalted sign of Aries. Mars is about to enter its strongest sign (exalted), the sign of Capricorn and Mercury will finally give us a break when it leaves Pisces on May the 8th and enters the sign of Aries. The month of May gives every indication that there will be a much better flow coming in and that is something we are looking forward to!
Mars in its strongest placement can certainly cause more fire amongst people but it doesn’t necessarily have to be a warring nature such as last weeks transit of Mars and Pluto. Mars in Capricorn will bring out more assertiveness with you and perhaps get you going in the right direction after feeling rather lethargic these last two months.
Sun always bring out more dynamism when it’s in Aries and make you take charge of matters in a positive fashion. A burst of confidence takes place due to Sun’s strong placement!
Venus will want to take time to enjoy the spring weather which has finally arrived (one month late!) and this positive placement of Venus will help to bring in more passion in your life.
Yes, Jupiter and Saturn are in retrograde and will remain so for many months to come and this can put plans on hold, but this doesn’t necessarily mean nothing moves forward. Their retrograde tells you to build on your plans and wait for the door to open with those plans later on in the summer when Jupiter and Saturn will go direct.
The planets don’t necessarily have to dictate the terms of difficulties/troubles when we understand how to understand and balance their energies. We can make positive use of these transits which can then help guide us when to make certain moves and decisions or when not to.
When the challenges appear to be relentless as they did for many of us in March and April, it does get exasperating and we get weary from walking up the escalator that seems like the down switch is turned on!
However, the month of May has a good feel to it, certainly much better than the first four months of 2018!
I also have exciting news for May. I will be having a launch for My Vedic Palmistry book on May 19th. This is 150-page introduction workbook with many marvelous illustrations which explains and teaches all you wanted to know about the art of palmistry! This is a book for all levels!
My book can be ordered from my publisher Cyberwit as well as from Amazon and will be on digital as well. I will send more information as we get closer to my launch date!